This 3 year old mentality is a change that took place over night. Her hair is now "long like a 3 year old", and her attitude is that of a three year old. She is bigger and grandeur than she was a few days ago. I have to admit it is quite enjoyable using the excuse, "You are three now and three year olds do...(this and that)". Heaven forbid she doesn't live up to that three year old reputation.
Whenever she's referring to that baby in my tummy she says, "I use to be an alien too, but then I grew big." Oh how I wish she hadn't grown so fast. These three years have slipped away and I feel I can't grasp time quick enough.

Here are some photos from my 3rd birthday. Crazy to think Tula will be a mother with her own children someday. I need to cherish my time with her, I know she'll leave my side sooner than later.